Name A Seat

Help the Riverfront Playhouse, Redding’s longest running community theatre, complete its move to a new home at 1950 California Street by naming a seat in the new theatre. Designed by Trilogy Architecture, the state-of-the-art venue will support a wide range of performance activities including music, theatre, dance and film. The new theatre, in Redding’s budding downtown Arts and Entertainment District, is expected to have a positive economic impact in the downtown business community which is very supportive of our move.

Your tax-deductible donation will be recognized on an engraved brass plaque affixed to the armrest of the seat. Your unique donor plaque recognizes your support of this important community project. Inscriptions are two lines on each plaque and can name you and your family, honor the memory of a family member or friend, or identify your business as a partner in supporting the new theatre.

You can also share a plaque. Download and return the seat donation form below and return it with your check. Seat donations are accepted on a space-available basis.

Contact Carol Skill for more information (530) 243-3557 or email

Your inscription will be engraved on a plaque to be placed on the armrest of the theater seat.

There are 2 levels of participation in this program.

Gold $1,000
Silver $500 SOLD OUT!

Reserve and Name A Seat Today!


Click Here to Donate and Name a Seat

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